Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Small Business Disaster Recovery Planning

When I see the horrific scenes from the Gulf Coast and after I get past the sad personal stories and the amount of human suffering, I think of all the small businesses that are lost and will never recover.
Most small business owners have their lives deeply intertwined with their business. Usually all of their personal assets are tied to those businesses.

Small business owners usually do not take the time or have the time or resources to do any planning for disaster. Think about your business…is your data backed up?…in a remote location?…do you have insurance coverage for natural disasters?…do you have a contingency plan at all?

Below is a link to a free handbook published by a the nonprofit Institute for Business and Home Safety. If you have a small business you need to think about how you, your family and your business would or could survive a natural disaster such as the one we are watching unfold on the Gulf Coast.

“Open for Businesss includes an assessment tool that helps the business determine its susceptibility to disaster wherever it has facilities and minimize its risks.

The toolkit also includes materials to help organize the business’ critical information and review its essential operations, both of which lead to developing a continuity plan.”

If you are a small business you should really take a moment to download this and work on putting basic plans in place to save your business…just in case.

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